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Ferret sadness

A lot of ferrets are in touch with their emotions so when you leave a ferret to long can make them go sad so as much as possible take your ferret with you or leave someone to play with them. Playtime is a very important thing to do with your fuzz buddy or buddies so play with at least once per day for between 30 minutes to 2 hours. Taking one for a walk can do a lot to boost their happiness. If and get involved in the walk follow them sometimes and you can bring them toys such as like toys for them to pull on like a dog. Diet is important such as good quality meat to keep them fit and happy Having a friend is important so try unless they can't get them on well having at least 2 ferrets so they got a friend to play or fight with is very useful unless they get to old for a playmate.

How much water does a ferret drink per day?

 Ferrets will drink regularly so they need water with them as much as possible to stay healthy and they are better designed for cooler weather so if it's warmer they will need more water often.

A ferret will drink around 20ml to 50ml per day so most small water bottles would  be suitable for them but in cases they may drink more depending on how busy they are or their preference so always having more water good idea plus make sure it's fresh is water everyday of the week so it never tastes bad or unhealthy to have at their home or during playtime.

A Water bottle is generally better since women ferrets like to lift up the water in the bowl to get in there mouths faster so a bowl is probably not a good idea for them overall.


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