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Showing posts from October, 2024

Ferret sadness

A lot of ferrets are in touch with their emotions so when you leave a ferret to long can make them go sad so as much as possible take your ferret with you or leave someone to play with them. Playtime is a very important thing to do with your fuzz buddy or buddies so play with at least once per day for between 30 minutes to 2 hours. Taking one for a walk can do a lot to boost their happiness. If and get involved in the walk follow them sometimes and you can bring them toys such as like toys for them to pull on like a dog. Diet is important such as good quality meat to keep them fit and happy Having a friend is important so try unless they can't get them on well having at least 2 ferrets so they got a friend to play or fight with is very useful unless they get to old for a playmate.

Time keeping

  All fuzzbubbys know time well so if you get up normally at 8am they will expect you to do  that always such as if you put them out to play at 9am they will expect you to do that all the time more less. I am not sure how they workout the time but they can do it well either way at 1pm they are always ready to get a walk since always do it around that time so if you do nothing at that time may get them annoyed some of the time so be aware of doing things since if the time is wrong it may annoy them sometimes so try and keep as much as possible to good timekeeping record with the fuzzbuddys

How to relax a angry ferret?

Some possible ideas  Food Quiet time Food can be a powerful way to relax them since most ferrets love eating so giving them something like that can help them relax more easily in most cases should work fast Putting the hob or jill into their house for a sleep or somewhere they can sleep or relax can be a great way to release the stress they may have some of the time it should work on them pretty fast most of the time which is a good way to keep them happy and well overall.

How fast can a ferret roll?

 I have seen many fuzzbuddys do this can do it as fast or faster than some people can run it's very integrating watching them do it in action. It will be normally done on the ground or grass or somewhere soft so they are safe and get enjoyment of rubbing their body across different areas and sometimes they will talk during it showing they are happy by doing that. Each one will burn up a lot of energy by doing it's so good when possible to get them onto good areas to have a pleasant roll around the area .

Medicine of ferrets

  Taste is a key part for many ferrets will only eat or drink something which tastes good  so try if possible to give them something which has pleasant taste in the mouth as much as possible What happened with this hob he got a black mark on his feet so I give him Royal Jelly not a lot just like lick worth after 2 days his mark was gone so it could be used as something to cure a ferret possible skin problems some may get from playtime or sometimes fighting as well to be fair but many simple options can be used to heal them up fast.

Ferrets learner minds

  A Fuzzybuddy loves learning new things which can include many different things such  Toys Doors Computers Heaters Tool Other things Anything can be seen as a toy to a ferret such as my ferret Tsar carry around a Wii controller in his mouth like tool or screwdriver or pillow . Crommarty instead can use things like a pillow where he will sometimes end up pushing it which can be a lot of fun seeing it happen in action action which is cool and entertaining for me and all others who have seen it happen. Doors are something they enjoy seeing open or they can open they quite easing using their paws or legs or even ram it open using their heads seen them do it many times and they can do it on two feet or four feet a like. A lot of them seem very interested by computers this can be simply looking at them or even seen them walk over the keys like they are typing which I saw my Albino guy turn on python on Raspberry pi computer before which I found pretty cool first time he did it some...

Ferrets drink out a mug

 Differences in personality can make this interesting or funny to watch my Albino ferret Tsar sticks  his  head  in the mug starts drinking sometimes he will push the cup over to get into mouth faster so   make like a little bath. He will  sometimes  like a  swimming action while drinking it's like a very effective breaststroke he does which shows they can swim well with impressive skills  can be quite an entertaining thing to watch plus he burs up a lot of energy while doing so good for his health and makes him very happy often My polecat instead what he does is normally just drink it until he full then while stop only very occasional will he tip over the mug so not much chance of a messif he does it 

Digging is a great form of excercise to let your ferrets do

 When you see them you will see them moving very fast they seem doing  to be incredibly happy so you can see it as a good way to help them stay happy. I do find it interesting or a little bit funny when Tsar finishes digging he has little bit of dirt on his head like he's a mini army more solid most of it will  out of there fur naturally if anything is to hard to get out of just give them a quick shower or wash but make sure the water not to cold or it could give them issues or make them feel bad. Playing is used as a way to make your ferrets stay fit and happy and this is probably the best form to let them do it even once a week is a good idea for them to get a lot of fun out of doing it you can do it in a sandpit or other places no limit to where they can do it and don't worry to much if they do it for to long since they can recover there energy after a good sleep they should be fit and happy again.

Fuzzybuddy climbing

 A lot of them will love to climb the issue with this can if they ever fall which can happen sometimes so if they are climbing make sure you watch them all the time if they go to high up take them down to the floor or safer location. The skills they have to climb is like how good Spiderman is so be aware of anything they can climb like trees or part of a the building or anything else more less this means during playtime you have to be aware of all the things they do when they get to unsafe heights take them off since they have small legs giving them not much protection in the event of a fall so safe height is key to making sure your ferret live a long happy live overall .

Social animals

  A lot of them get a lot of enjoy with playing with you or other ferrets or other animals many of them will talk making like a mutter sound  While they play with others will see them want to get involved like here he is getting my attention to let me know to play with him or play attention they will sometimes stand up on two ferret to get your attention make it easier for you should normally pick them up from this position and play with them or you can if you think it's right might be a sign they need feed or drink or sleep. You will learn what works best for each fuzzbuddy since the personality of each of them can be very unique such as some are very shy and others are much more confident so be aware not one personality fits them all or even close to that. A good example here is this guy drinks upside like a bat sometimes which never seen any ferret drink  like that I found it very interesting fi...

Will my ferret dig a lot?

 Yes basically ferrets will dig like crazy in a lot of cases the speed they can go can mean they can dig up if they want to enough with one of them like 2 foot worth of grass or mud within like 20 seconds. The skills they have can mean if you are not careful they can dig out of outdoor play house so never put it on something they can dig or they make a lot of holes fast in a lot of cases. A good idea if you want them to do it put them into a sandpit or sand area outside of beach so they can burn up a lot of energy without doing any damage if you got the land make a wee sandpit can be great idea for them such as I am planning to do one next year but I got a sandpit they can use very near the house which both get a lot of fun.

Ferret Acting

 A lot of fuzzybuddys are very good at acting some good examples include Pretending to be asleep faking being hurt A lot of them will act like they are sleeping by not moving or making  sounds the reason they do it sometimes is to allow them to steal things some of the time or to allow them to go for adventure since   they can move quite so easy it can be hard to hear them a lot of the time be being quiet is good way for me to do things which can be pretty entertaining if you see them in action doing things A ferret can get hurt true but when they play with their friend a lot of the fighting they do is actually acting in the sense  you  will see one fall asleep during it which can be funny to see some of the time and also see them stopping for drinking or eating breaks or instead of fighting one or both will stop for war dance which if you never seen it before  highly recommend you ...

Ferret playtime on Chair

 A lot of ferrets get fun out of anything more this case he was loving playing on the chair so anything can be turned into toy or fun thing in the mind of the fuzzbuddys. I noticed my Albino ferret liked a lot it's similar colour to his fur showing they can tell things very well which look like for one of the reasons I don't believeth idea of the bad eye sight many people like to claim ferrets have but in my experience they seem to be able to see very well from what I could notice by how they look and act in front of the things they want to use or steal very often which is a cool thing to each day of the week in my thoughts.

Picking ferrets right

 Some big issues with ferret breeders include Poor diet Lack of water Lack of company unclean The results if you will get a ferret sick often or will die younger than they should be ferrets grow fast meaning      you need to get them feed well  young so they develop well so  getting a ferret from someone who only feeds like once a week means your ferrets could die young or at random and you can't get them recover from the issues bad ferret owners or breeders do towards The trick is to get a ferret as young as possible when you can do it so you get the diet  up to a good standard such as I got both my ferrets when they were like 6 inches long while I finish feeding them into adults they grow to 24 to 36 inches so packed on the size quick you can see growing on a daily to weekly basic so starting to feed them well is the best way to do it involving high quality meats and plenty of wa...

How to walk a ferret?

A  fuzzbuddy is someone very interested in life and what is going means anything can become interested to them such as  digging or grass to roll in or people or animals or anything else so watch them all the time or they can up to little of  misbehaving nothing to much getting them to dig up someone garden not good idea so watch them clearly Ferrets go into full action mode so best to only walk one at a time unless you are sure you can handle two or more I had two polecats I could do it easy with but my current two like to do there own things so I could not handle two so I walk one then the next one the following day pretty often. Ferret when walking go into like action mode meaning they burn up energy quick as such they may need to sleep with you so having somewhere they can sleep such as inside a piece of clothing  can be good idea if you going far away or if somewhere to sleep in a car could be a good idea as well to be fair. Such as Albino guy will fall asleep on...

How much water does a ferret drink per day?

 Ferrets will drink regularly so they need water with them as much as possible to stay healthy and they are better designed for cooler weather so if it's warmer they will need more water often. A ferret will drink around 20ml to 50ml per day so most small water bottles would  be suitable for them but in cases they may drink more depending on how busy they are or their preference so always having more water good idea plus make sure it's fresh is water everyday of the week so it never tastes bad or unhealthy to have at their home or during playtime. A Water bottle is generally better since women ferrets like to lift up the water in the bowl to get in there mouths faster so a bowl is probably not a good idea for them overall.

Do ferrets eat much?

 The ferrets will normally have small regular meals throughout the day best way you could imagine around the size of small burger will cover what they will eat per day but if they are bigger will require more food but not much expense for meat either way. You will probably heard the idea of only feeding ferrets raw meat or food I will explain why I don't think this good idea. Let's look at rabbits a lot of them have infections how can you possibly check before they eat each time? IT's basically impossible or other wild animals' same problems can be quite likely. I know some people will only feed a ferret if they catch something to me kind of crue and puts the hob or jill life at risk since they are designed to eat on a regular basis meaning daily yes sure they can live a day without food but you should not then do that to your friend not good way to treat one. You can easily get them meat from a superma...

Do ferrets smell bad?

  Albinos have not much of  a scent or smell if the smell ever bothers which I doubt it would much you can change there decent instant by feeding them something else or you can use shampoo if you want. Overall the idea of the bad smell to me is blown out of reality overall they smell pretty similar to a person without aftershave or perfume so there is not much to worry about. Polecats may have a stronger smell but in general, it's nothing major to handle . I always found dogs or cats smell much worse overall or had stronger scent in all cases. Polecats are overall very clean animals all they do smell wise do the toilet in the corner except for that they make basically no mess overall unless they play with something they can rip except for that no mess as a whole with them. Eat very clean overall. I met plenty of people seemed confused why my ferrets did not smell as bad as the story over claim so ...

How to resolve ferret fights?

 The  hobs or jills will often fight for the dominate role  The part I find most unusual about ferrets each one wants to think he or she is in charge but they can work together most of the time pretty easily. Fights can be done for playing you may not know this but ferret fighting is quite often done as way to stay fit or lose weight or keep their fighting skills high since ferrets understand the world can be dangerous so being ready to defend one oneself a good thing to know. Giving them food can easily resolve if it gets rougher put food in the area they rumble normally ferrets will stop focusing on the food which will often work if you put in tasty or food each ferrets likes a lot such as chicken or fish among other options for them to stay safe and happy. You can tell them off like you would do with a dog I found that would work quite often not always but it's a good first thing to try either way. P...

Are ferrets Scary?

  A good idea would be talk about where this idea comes from this something boomers keep telling everyone younger when the majority of them have never seen or had one which makes the idea come across very dumb. The idea came from world war 2 where the ferrets would be kept as pets to hunt you food such as rabbits but when I spoke to the greatest generation none of them had this idea of the ferrets so me it just seems an idea boomers pulled out of thin air as a whole. Ferrets can easily be very tame and friendly it's down to how you treat them for how they will treat you but in general had them for like 14 years never being bitten by one once or hurt by any since ferrets are very caring friends or animals a whole which my photo here should show it well if you still think he looks scary then that's more you problem then a boomer problem to me as a whole. Ferrets  social animals  Most ferrets love to socialize with people or ferrets or other animals such as...