A lot of ferrets are in touch with their emotions so when you leave a ferret to long can make them go sad so as much as possible take your ferret with you or leave someone to play with them. Playtime is a very important thing to do with your fuzz buddy or buddies so play with at least once per day for between 30 minutes to 2 hours. Taking one for a walk can do a lot to boost their happiness. If and get involved in the walk follow them sometimes and you can bring them toys such as like toys for them to pull on like a dog. Diet is important such as good quality meat to keep them fit and happy Having a friend is important so try unless they can't get them on well having at least 2 ferrets so they got a friend to play or fight with is very useful unless they get to old for a playmate. https://www.beardiehq.com/
A mind always wanting to do new things for fun or learning. Opening the door is something they enjoy doing for fun or learning all of them take having fun or going new places very seriously so allowing them to have a safe place in the house does them a lot of good health-wise for exercise or general exercise they need to do to keep healthy No limit to what they can do more less so always be aware they can fit under most things or slide through things very fast and efficiently overall. Play them doing what they can do is a lot of fun plus makes them happy since they are very much social characters for most of the time which is a great experience short term or long term the whole playtime with them as such do it everyday of the week ferrets need you as much as you need them. https://www.funwithferrets.co.uk/2024/11/rat-tail-how-to-cure-it.html